
MEGA develops a digital tool that will facilitate the management of Erasmus+ mobility grants.


Mainstreaming the Erasmus+ grants management process with a secured and fast payment system.


Map the different processes and limitations of management of Erasmus+ grants management in order to develop a functional proof of concept to reduce delays in the Erasmus grant payments process and promote the innovation and efficiency in the management of Erasmus+ grants.

MEGA – Million of Erasmus Grants


The project’ ambition is to create and develop a digital tool that will simplify the management of Erasmus+ mobility grants at university level and secure the payment of these grants to the concerned students, both in terms of accuracy and calendar.

The MEGA project is by itself an innovation, as for the first time, it suggests digitalisation in the field of Erasmus grants payment.

Erasmus+ Students

Students will benefit from a more efficient and secure payment procedure of their Erasmus grant.

Higher Education Institutions

Higher education institutions will be supported in their administration of the Erasmus+ grant.

Policy makers

Practical policy recommendations with evidence-based indications on how to further improve the services and Erasmus+ mobility grants management.


Project updates and next steps

Project updates and next steps

MEGA project partners convened in Nancy to discuss the results of a survey exploring existing realities of the Erasmus+ grant payments. Learn more

Introducing the MEGA project

Introducing the MEGA project

The Million of Erasmus Grants (MEGA) project strives to lift the administrative burden not only from the shoulders of HEIs staff but also of the students. Read more



Methodological guidelines for student grant distribution (PR1)

The guidelines will gather information on the financial management of the Erasmus+ grants from different European HEIs. Based on survey results, the guidelines will help design a general applicable tool that will respect national and local differences and constraints.

Status: Published
Milestones: Evaluation process finalised, Methodological framework published

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Benchmarking report (PR3)

Once the prototyping and the deployment of the platform will be complete, an investigation will be carried out in order to gather insights from the user experience and evaluate whether the platform overcomes the main obstacles thus reducing the delays in payments to the students.

Status: Planned
Milestones: Report published

Grant management digital solution Proof of Concept (PR2)

A digital Proof of Concept (PoC) of a platform that automatically executes some part of the payments will be designed with the intended goal to significantly simplify, secure and accelerate the payment of Erasmus grants to their beneficiaries.

Status: Planned
Milestones: Presentation at the Final Conference


Policy Recommendations (PR4)

The policy recommendations will target the main stakeholders, namely HEIs, National Erasmus+ Agency and European institutions. They will build from the findings of the previous project results and show/advocate how the PoC for Erasmus grants management could increase the efficiency of the Erasmus+ mobility management.

Status: Planned 
Milestones: Policy recommendations paper published


University of Lorraine

Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra

Mendel University in Brno

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Selcuk University

European University Foundation

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

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Donato Lorubio
