
Contribute to two main goals of the ET2020: making mobility a reality and improving the quality and efficiency of education and training. 



Strengthen mobility and adapt HEIs study structures and curricula for better learning. 


Analyse the existing study structures and mobility barriers and identify good practices among HEIs; as well as pilot a tool for enhancing the embedding of mobility in the curricula and publish a European Curricula Design Guide.


Making Mobility the Norm – NORM


The NORM project is a European initiative which will strive to challenge institutional barriers to embed student mobility in study programmes at HEIs, namely curricula design and accreditation procedures. The project also aims to develop an IT solution that will facilitate finding equivalences of courses and curricula between HEIs.


Benefit from the improved student mobility and well-matched exchange opportunities.


Higher Education Institutions

Support in the evaluation and adaptation of their curricula and cooperation networks to implement mobility opportunities for all their students.

Policy Makers

Be involved in the debate of the curricula development and shape future elements of the Erasmus+ programme according to the recommendations of the NORM project.


The Virtual Event on the Curricula Design Guide now on YouTube!

The Virtual Event on the Curricula Design Guide now on YouTube!

Did you miss our virtual Multiplier Event about the Curricula Design Guide? Are you interested in the European Curricula Design Guide and NORM? The NORM Virtual Multiplier Event on the Curricula Design Guide which took place on the 22nd of November, 2022 is now...

The Virtual Event on the Curricula Matching Tool now on YouTube!

The Virtual Event on the Curricula Matching Tool now on YouTube!

The NORM Virtual Multiplier Event that took place on the 21st of November, 2022 is now available on YouTube! Did you miss our virtual Multiplier Event about the Curricula Matching Tool? Are you interested in the Curricula Matching Tool and NORM? You can watch it...

One last meeting before we go

One last meeting before we go

On November 24th, NORM project partners met one last time in Marburg. The coordinators of the project, the University of Marburg, informed partners about the necessary steps to undertake in the final stages of the project, mainly focusing on project management and on...

The NORM Virtual Conference is now available on YouTube

The NORM Virtual Conference is now available on YouTube

Did you miss our virtual conference? Are you interested in the European Curricula Design Guide and  NORM? Then go ahead and view or our virtual conference that took place earlier on July 2021. The link is the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWqzermuWY4...

Registration now for the First NORM Virtual Conference!

Registration now for the First NORM Virtual Conference!

We are pleased to announce that registration for the first online conference of the Making Mobility the Norm project is open. We are looking forward to discussing with you the results of the desk research about mobility in the Higher Education Area and the results of...

NORM Virtual Conference!

NORM Virtual Conference!

The Making Mobility the Norm project consortium is pleased to announce that the second conference of the NORM project will take place online on 05 th of June 2021 from 10am to 12:30pm. In this conference the results of IO1 and IO2 will be presented. We also want to...

Student Survey Launched

Student Survey Launched

In April 2020, the NORM survey for students was launched. This is part of the 2nd Intellectual Output led by the University of Barcelona. The survey was distributed amongst the Consortium partners. In the survey, students have the chance to share their experience...

Making Mobility the Norm – lessons learned in times of COVID19

Making Mobility the Norm – lessons learned in times of COVID19

The Corona pandemic not only affected the administration and implementation of our project, but it also changed the scope of it as well. Following the spread of the Corona virus, Higher Education Institutions changed the layout of teaching; as teaching switched gear...

Outputs and Resources


Desk research and mapping of good practices (IO1)

The aim of the research is to map out the existing mobility structures and strategies of European higher education institutions along a “mobility continuum”: from those that have implemented mandatory student mobility in their curricula, to those where no student mobility takes place at all. The study will highlight different mobility schemes with respect to different Universities’ strategies.

Status: Finalised (June 2020)
Milestones:Publication of report


Subject-specific analysis of regulated fields (IO3)

This research will be carried out on specific academic disciplines and programmes identified under IO1 to identify concrete bottlenecks to student mobility. One approach will be the evaluation of curricula with embedded mobility options to identify viable structures and barriers to the integration of student mobility in degree programmes.

Status: Finalised
Milestones: Mobility Typology report | Multiplier event


Piloting the curricula-matching digital tool (IO5)

The prototype will be piloted among partner universities in a real environment to test its functionality and usability. This testing phase will also produce useful information on how a digital solution can help higher education institutions to embed mobility opportunities in their curricula, ease student mobility procedures, strengthen learning agreements and facilitate the recognition of learning outcomes.

Status: Closed
Milestones: Online trainings for IT specialists and internarional officers | Report

  • Report on piloting the prototype of the CMTdownload PDF

Surveys for Higher Education Institutions (IO2)

The surveys will investigate existing curricula, strategies of curricula development at HEIs and the success rates of existing strategies. One part of the surveys will focus specifically on barriers to student mobility for students with fewer opportunities and from disadvantaged backgrounds, to identify structural vs. individual barriers to mobility and define requirements respective different target groups.

Status: Student survey: Launched (June 2020) | Staff survey: Launched (September 2020)
Milestones: Launch of surveys | Report


Prototyping a curricula-matching digital tool (IO4)

A prototype of an IT solution was designed to help higher education institutions to easily share their curricula and course catalogues and find equivalences between them. This will facilitate course choices for exchange students, strengthening the reliability of learning agreements and the recognition of credits after mobility.

Status: Launched
Milestones: Technical blueprint and benchmarking report | Testing in a controlled environment



Developing a European Curricula Design Guide (IO6)

The European Curricula Design Guide, based on the research carried out in IO1, IO2 and IO3, will contain a toolkit for institutions and concrete policy recommendations on how to design study programmes in a mobility-friendly way that encourages mobility to be embedded in curricula. The contents of the guide will be tailored to the different contexts of European HEIs as defined in the Mobility Typology produced in IO3.

Status: Released
Milestones: Short-term joined staff training | The Guide | Final conference


University of Marburg

University Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

University of Barcelona

Vytautas Magnus University

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

European University Foundation

Eötvös Loránd University

Erasmus Student Network

Universidad de Alcalá

Contact Us

Christina Bohle

christina.bohle [at] uni-marburg.de

Carmen Fels

carmen.fels [at] verwaltung.uni-marburg.de